April 2019 Winners
April 2019 Finalists
Monthly Finalists will be re-watched in October 2019 before our Live Event in November. ONE short film, feature film, web series, and screenplay will be chosen as our Wild Card Winners and will be screened in November alongside our Annual Winners and be made eligible for our Special Awards.
A Moment of Love | Julian Rachev (BULGARIA)
A Passion of Gold and Fire | Pins Sébastien (BELGIUM)
Below A Dark Wood | Bill Slovick (USA)
Big Lies | Igor Runov (USA)
Blue Bunny | Jan Fabris (SLOVENIA)
Breathe | Mitch Yapko (USA)
Captured | Ross Clarkson (HONG KONG)
Collage | Sadeq Es-haqi (IRAN)
Creep Cop | Matthew Rotman (USA)
Free Slave | Mehmet Tanrisever (TURKEY)
Happy Marriage | Erik Jasaň (SLOVAKIA)
Her exit, Chekhov style | Aleksandra Artemeva (RUSSIA)
I believe in fairies! | Giorgio Marconi (ITALY)
Inviolable (Unantastbar) | Angela Andersen (GERMANY)
Klarheit | Vickie Anderson (USA)
Lack | Parisa Sedaei Azar & Ramin Farzaneh (IRAN)
Last Day on Earth | Lucas Stanton & Reilly Johnson (AUSTRALIA)
Legend of Nepia | Jason Anthony Fisher & Dane Ngahuka (USA)
Life's Rich Tapestry | Amy Clarkson (UK)
M Like Mobius | Faranak Moradi (IRAN)
Map to the Stars | Pedro Jaen R. (PARAGUAY/SPAIN)
Merry Chrismas BERNARD | Sebastien Chamaillard & Philippe Vieux (FRANCE)
Mohingar Tapwe!! | Yuki Kitazumi & Aung Thu Rein (JAPAN/MYANMAR)
Moving Back in All Directions | Vanda Ciuban Serban & Alex Pop (CANADA)
N.E.R.D.S | Andrew M. Ward (UK)
Private Meeting | Farhad Gharibi (IRAN)
Reintegration | Richard Anthony Dunford (UK)
Ripple Effect | Maza White (NEW ZEALAND)
Sedae | Daniel Smukalla (SOUTH KOREA)
Skindiving | Victoria DeMartin (USA)
Spizella | Mehmet Tığlı (GERMANY/TURKEY)
The Amazon Changers | Esther Petsche & Samuel Schlaefli (SWITZERLAND)
The City of Honey | Moein Ruholamini (IRAN)
The First Success of Nobel Brothers | Jalaladdin Gasimov (AZERBAIJAN)
The Wall Between | Claudia Bento & Adam Howes (UK)
Two Down | Rolfin Nyhus (UK)
Typical Tuesday | Andrew M. Ward (UK)
Typhoon | Mostafa Akbari Manjili (IRAN)
Under the Blade | Javid Farahani (IRAN)
Where is My Home | Huang Jiayun, Zhang Jun, & Zhang Suwen (TAIWAN)
Who Will Stop Me | Noelle Toland (USA)