April 2021 Winners
April 2021 Finalists
A Community Under Fire | Harrison Thane and Matthew Thane (AUSTRALIA)
A Simple Yes Or No | Darr Reitknecht (USA)
Connection | Wei-Lin Chen (CANADA/TAIWAN)
Dead Name | Hosein Mirza Mohammadi (IRAN)
Excuse Me, You're Bleeding | Nicholas Lawler (AUSTRALIA)
Family Tree | Emmet O'Brien (IRELAND)
I Want to Study! | Ramtin Kouchaki (IRAN)
Oltre Ogni Cosa | Alessia Olivetti (ITALY)
Piercing Cry | Fatima Abahamzeh (IRAN)
RockSlide | Ranelle Golden and Shawn Golden (USA)
Shitty Ways | Bruno Fernandes Luiz (BRAZIL)
Shopar | Sajad Soleymani (IRAN)
The Curtain Will Rise Again | Liu Zhuo-Xuan (CHINA/UK)
Warehouse | Solmaz Etemad (IRAN)
April 2021 Semi-Finalists
Artemisia | Carole Weed (IRELAND)
Bathroom With the Flavor of Apple | Keyvan Nakhaei (IRAN)
Dragon | Dane Cree and Lisa Poppe (USA)
Havar | Musa Hajinezhad (IRAN)
I See | Arman Partovi (TURKEY)
Is | Mona Ramezani (IRAN)
L i g h t n e s s T h a t I n s p i r e s | Carlo Guttadauro (ITALY)
Lonis | Jeremy Artis (AUSTRALIA)
No Difference | Gerardo Panero (ARGENTINA)
Perpetua | Marshall Weishuai Yuan (AUSTRALIA)
Positive | Matthew Kaukiainen (AUSTRALIA)
Rock Is Her | Thaiane Soares (BRAZIL)
The Curvature of the Shadows | Dazhyar Farsooni (IRAN)
The Debt | Patrick Prior (AUSTRALIA)
The River Man | Marc Dessup (FRANCE)
The Vuvuzela | Mohammad Reza Seif (IRAN)
Vina | Bahareh Aghajari (IRAN)