August 2020 Winners
August 2020 Finalists
Alaska Long Hunters | Mark Rose (USA)
Blurry Faces | Behzad Moloud (IRAN)
Calf Rope | Bradley Hawkins (USA)
Creamy Borders | Soran Keyvanfar (IRAN)
Ends | Timothy Paul Coderre (CANADA)
Esports Ready | Vincent Furfaro (AUSTRALIA)
Her Place | Gustavo Garcia Solares (GUATEMALA)
It's Me | Vahid Aminifar (IRAN)
Made For This | Aaron Warwick (AUSTRALIA)
Patron | Emily Haigh and Alon Young (UK)
The Act of Indemnity | James M. Perry (USA)
The Cooper | Stuart Miller (AUSTRALIA)
The Engagement | Joseph Rossi and Anthony Calabrese (CANADA)
Tomorrow | Migrovegraphics (INDONESIA/USA)
August 2020 Semi-Finalists
13 Reasons to Choose Life | Gracie Wakefield (USA)
abdolbasir | Vahid Aminifar (IRAN)
Becoming Brooklyn | Brooklyn Rose Scherer (USA)
Bernie | Fred Perry (USA)
Blister | Morteza Shams (IRAN)
Breathing Through | Stan Adard (SWITZERLAND)
Cardboard Box | Bernhard Riedhammer (GERMANY)
Ciggies | Isabelle Laker (AUSTRALIA)
Él & Elle | Sarah Barlondo, Pablo Domínguez, Migue Arenas, Kenneth Müller, Vanessa Palacios, Ricardo Perezgil, Fernando Perezgil, Luis Torrecilla and Cláudio Cardoso (MEXICO)
Extra(Terrestrial) | Ilana Finocchiaro (AUSTRALIA)
Gamble Rat | Ka Wai Lam (AUSTRALIA)
Home Doomed | Doğukan Özkılıç (TURKEY)
How Soon Autumn Came | Abolfazl Karimiasl (IRAN)
Hyper Active | Cory Reeder (USA)
La Vida De Las Mujeres | Thaiane Soares (BRAZIL)
My Sweet Buttercup | Bridget Pervalle (USA)
Occam's Razor | Nikola Sreckovic (AUSTRALIA)
Replacement | Mojtaba Tahal and Jalal Mahdavi (IRAN)
Seb and Isaac's Extraordinary Adventure | Isaac Andrews and Sebastian McBride (NEW ZEALAND)
Serendipity and Me | Tal Anderson (USA)
The Crossing | Fred Perry (USA)
The Dome | Nell Nakkan (AUSTRALIA)
The End Game | Nikola Sreckovic (AUSTRALIA)
The Gap | Saeed Samavatian (IRAN)
There are no secrets | Reza Alipour (IRAN)
tx-reverse | Martin Reinhart and Virgil Widrich (AUSTRIA)
Wireless | Criss Gidas (AUSTRALIA)
Zero | Arghavan Kashani and Bahar Karimi (IRAN)