February 2020 Winners
By Katie Haley
By A.M. Sanders
February 2020 Finalists
Monthly Finalists will be re-watched in October 2020 before our Live Event in November. ONE short form film, long form film, and a short and feature length screenplay will be chosen as our Wild Card Winners and will be screened in November alongside our Annual Winners and be made eligible for our Bonus Awards.
Can You See Me? | Yael Deynes (USA)
Dog Days | Ethan Grahek (AUSTRALIA)
Driver | Jonah Elias (AUSTRALIA)
Gullun Drift | Richard Clarke (UK)
Hatshepsut | Sonia Machado-Hines (USA)
Jingle the Dog | Chris Bishop and Erin Abbey Bishop (USA)
Soul Bones | Andrew Huggins (USA)
Strings of Sorrow | Mehmet Tanrisever (TURKEY)
The Barber | Sergiy Pudich (UKRAINE)
February 2020 Semi-Finalists
22 Bones, the Further Adventures of Yorick, a Skull (Season 2.0) | Deb Ethier (CANADA)
100% Girl | Chen Liangyu (TAIWAN)
Apostasy | Vanessa Bigot, Charles Michaudet and Fanette Kurzawa (FRANCE)
Bearing Witness | Rais Bhuiyan (BANGLADESH/USA)
Blood Bond | Greg Powell (AUSTRALIA)
Blossom | Jacob Minor (USA)
Deadly Promises | Joseph Ramos and Anton Church (USA)
Making Waves | Rachel Doman (USA)
Men-Strual | Karina Yager and Shekinah Morgan (USA)
Misperception | Calvin Greer (USA)
Mob Tour | Jason Anthony Fisher (USA)
One Closed Door | Morgan Reinwald and Sienna Macalister (AUSTRALIA)
Once Upon a Judgement Day | Mehmet Tanrisever (TURKEY)
Park Bench | Nathaniel Avila (USA)
Roses | Ivann Willig (BRAZIL)
Sarah's List | Joshua Huggett (AUSTRALIA)
Scumbags | Chris K. Daniels (USA)
The Autistic Comedian | Joe Bor (UK)
The Dinner | Julian Bate-Vergette (CANADA)
The Girl in the Jeep | Alexey Zuev (RUSSIA)
The Haunting of Reactor Five | Robert Leo Cox (USA)
The Living Thames | Dorothy Leiper (UK)
The Tales of Buckaroo Bill | Jamie Crockett (AUSTRALIA)
Unfulfilled | Rodney Kimbangu (USA)
Welcome Home | Jacqui Bree (NEW ZEALAND)