July 2018 Finalists
Monthly Finalists will be re-watched in October 2018 before our Live Event in November. 1 Finalist will be chosen as our Wild Card Winner and will be screened in November alongside our Annual Winners and be made eligible for our Special Awards.
Battery Remaining | Yige Yang (UK)
Deception | Ruhina Nasir (PAKISTAN)
Emma | Desmond Lianng (US)
I Am Worthless | Haemin Ko (UK)
Javed | Tariq Bashir (PAKISTAN)
MER | Hesam Rahmani (IRAN)
Scratch This | Jody Lauren Miller (US)
Swapped | Milad Nasim Sobhan (IRAN)
The Appointment | Shayla Ash (UK)
The Last Cry | Sofia Pellegrino (US)
Things Left Unsaid | Theo Douchand (UK)
Video Check | Mahyar Seyfuury (IRAN)