July 2019 Winners
July 2019 Finalists
Monthly Finalists will be re-watched in October 2019 before our Live Event in November. ONE short film, feature film, web series, and screenplay will be chosen as our Wild Card Winners and will be screened in November alongside our Annual Winners and be made eligible for our Special Awards.
2 Below 0 (Trailer) | Tim Cash (USA)
A Conversation | Molly Haddon (AUSTRALIA)
After the Church Falls | Ye Zi, Gen Sui and Qin Ken (USA)
Ajax | Poya Raissi (IRAN)
Beyond the fence | Arman Gholipourdashtaki (IRAN)
Bomb Happy (Trailer) | Daniel Saunders (UK)
Braceball | Rayhaneh Mortezeenia (IRAN)
Broken Treasures | Sondra Sottile (ITALY)
Can't Drive a Stick | Christan Van Slyke (USA)
Capabilities | Gerardo Panero (ARGENTINA)
Cooked | Minh Ha (AUSTRALIA)
Deadwater | Hossein Rabiei Dastjerdi (IRAN)
Forgive Me | Cucho L. Capilla (SPAIN)
GetMeThere | Brittany Nisco (USA)
Half A World Away | So Ry Yun (USA)
Homecoming | Robert Leo Cox (USA)
I Am Immortal | Linda G. Wells and Andrew Ravuna (AUSTRALIA)
Incident at the Park | Travis Napthali (AUSTRALIA)
Jane | Jessica Michael Davis (USA)
leber-chromosome 17 | Shervine Didandeh (IRAN)
Outsider | Shujing Zeng (USA)
Ostarbeiter | Lukia Costello (USA)
Pisces | Alia Zeid (USA)
Roulette | Ebrahim Shafiei (IRAN)
Snapped | Joseph Fuller (IRELAND)
Subject to Change | Wiktoria Ojrzyńska (NEW ZEALAND)
Swallowing | Maia Matthews (AUSTRALIA)
The Bridge | Maria Niazmand and Mandana Niazmand (IRAN)
The Incomplete | Erfan Parsapour (IRAN)
The Man Who Saved LKY | Thomas Franks (SINGAPORE)
The Other Half | Lalith Rathnayake (SRI LANKA)
The Passport | Hanieh Bavali (IRAN)
The Real Thing | Matthew Papadopoulos (AUSTRALIA)
The Voice of Waves | Mobai Zhang (CHINA)
The Widow | Brendan Young (AUSTRALIA)
Two Flags | Li Yang (AUSTRALIA)
Vending Machine | Tomiya Hills (AUSTRALIA/JAPAN)
Venus (Trailer) | Kinan SHORBAJI (FRANCE)
Volver | Mathias Meier (CHILE)