March 2019 Winners
By Tarek Abdullah
March 2019 Finalists
Monthly Finalists will be re-watched in October 2019 before our Live Event in November. ONE short film, feature film, web series, and screenplay will be chosen as our Wild Card Winners and will be screened in November alongside our Annual Winners and be made eligible for our Special Awards.
A Face without a heart | Xinning Liu (CHINA/UK)
All For Money: A Painting by Mary Perry | Ramie Streng (USA)
Aquarium | Валентина Шевченко (RUSSIA)
Bad. | Britney Ngaw & Jared Rushanan (USA)
Bet the Demon Wins | Denise Hurley (AUSTRALIA)
Beating Vegas | Jason Anthony Fisher & Ryan Golchuk (USA)
Blocked | Matt Gall (AUSTRALIA)
Dasha | Andrew Merkulov (RUSSIA)
Desiccation | Jed Vinson (AUSTRALIA)
Dreamland Xidi | Tracy Wang (CHINA)
Face Rape | Finn Hellman (SWEDEN)
Halayla (Tonight) | Emily Shir Segal (ISRAEL)
Harvest Fest | Olof Berghe (SWEDEN)
If Only | Sarah Wharton (UK/USA)
Izan | Manuel Navarro Forcada (SPAIN)
Lace | Charnstar Anderson (AUSTRALIA)
Little Bull | Laura Litvinoff (ARGENTINA)
One Step To Perfection | Boris Biaou (FRANCE)
Out of Frame | Artem Gutkowski (FRANCE)
Papercut | Damian Overton (AUSTRALIA)
Rudi | Piernicola Arena & Lillo Venezia (ITALY)
Saheed | Chelsea Martin (AUSTRALIA)
Slow Death | Amen Sahraei (IRAN)
Something New | Michael Abel (USA)
The Amazing Waterson | Jean Perez (USA)
The Drop Off - Series 2 | Tori Garrett (AUSTRALIA)
The Family, Your Choice | Andrea Vaccarelli (ITALY)
The Funny Farm | Robert Ward (USA)
The Generation of Change | Madison Siladi & Kim Nguyen (AUSTRALIA)
The Goat of Mendes | Mauro Loverre (ITALY)
The Poet in the Attic | Steven Shade (USA)
The Third Wish | Radoslav Stoyanov (AUSTRIA)
Uncle Ted | Bruno Catarino (UK)
Unravel | Stephanie Chu (USA)