May 2019 Winners
May 2019 Finalists
Monthly Finalists will be re-watched in October 2019 before our Live Event in November. ONE short film, feature film, web series, and screenplay will be chosen as our Wild Card Winners and will be screened in November alongside our Annual Winners and be made eligible for our Special Awards.
A Mother's Love | Li Zhiyan, Wu Ruotong, & Wang Haoyan
Behind Banana Vacuum | Lian Morrison (CANADA)
Boondoggle | Dan Eady (AUSTRALIA)
Bozkir Look At The Birds | Mehmet Tanrisever (TURKEY)
Built To Be | Irene Maffei (UK)
Ciao Bella | Marion Donnellier (UK)
Escapists | Angelina Volmer (AUSTRALIA)
Feather Paper | Emma Cormarie, Charlotte Coudreuse, Louis Duthilleul, Florian Genthial, Audrey Samson, Celine Korno, Benjamin Mellier, Lea Silve, & Juliette Reversat (FRANCE)
Florindo & Carlotta | Rossella Bergo (ITALY)
Game Without Zero | Mostafa Rostampour (IRAN)
Happy Thanksgiving | Shihan Lu (USA)
Homeless Chronicles | Kaitlynn Stein (USA)
Howling In The Night | Hawar Rahimi (IRAN)
I am Lorenzo Lamas | Dennis O'Neill (USA)
Interview | Michèle Jedlicka (AUSTRALIA)
Minor Key | Ivan Sainz-Pardo (SPAIN)
Open Minded | David Nguyen (SWITZERLAND)
Penny Girl | Joseph Boutilier (CANADA)
Punishment | Jalal Veisi (IRAN)
Raymond Carver and Derrida's Zombie Army | James Fitzmaurice (UK)
Realness | Cristina García Zarzosa (SPAIN)
Pine | Mohammad Hormozi (IRAN)
Rock, Turf and Surf | Ian Wilson (CANADA)
Rudy's Christmas Revenge | Joanne Bellew (AUSTRALIA)
Six Home | Ebad Adibpour (IRAN)
Temptation Of Saint Francis | Johnnie Semerad (USA)
The Art Of Observation | Annie Fleisch (USA)
The Burning Red | Fabrizio Ancillai (ITALY)
The Lovers | Gareth Tillson (AUSTRALIA)
The Pick Up | Calix Lewis Reneau (USA)
Val d'Oise Cup | Myriam Etman (FRANCE)