September 2020 Winners
September 2020 Finalists
A Day in the Life of a Boy | Niklas Bauer (GERMANY)
A Fine Disease | Matthew McCracken (AUSTRALIA)
Dear Fredy | Rubi Gat (CZECH REPUBLIC/IRAN)
Eli is gone | Zoé Williamson (FRANCE)
Farewell | Qing Yang (CHINA)
Gold Star | Amin Pourbarghi (AUSTRIA/GERMANY/IRAN)
Gray | Miguel Carlos Bautista (PHILIPPINES)
I Like You | Gabrielle Pearson (AUSTRALIA)
In Orbit | Katie McNeice (IRELAND)
Living With Cretins | Samuel Foster (AUSTRALIA)
Not Now | Andrew Liulko (UKRAINE)
Not that kind of guy | Sarah Al Atassi (FRANCE)
Only Human | Lukas Vizner (SLOVAKIA)
Pipi Thay Too (The Grandmother Tree) | Laura Alice (AUSTRALIA)
Shibil | Nikola Bozadzhiev (BULGARIA)
Smile | Kevin Uskokovic (AUSTRALIA)
The Big Nobody | Jono Robertson (USA)
September 2020 Semi-Finalists
A Mandolin in Exile | Rafiqul Anowar (BANGLADESH)
A Voice in Deep Blackness | Reza Hasanzadeh (IRAN)
Attentionspam | Kilo Watts, The Drone and Ahhtension Planet Arts (USA)
Bark | Anthony Penney and Laura Coleman (USA)
Bedbound | Lukas Ernst (AUSTRALIA)
Built Lands | Arturo Dueñas Herrero (SPAIN)
Captured | Hiruni Dharmasena (AUSTRALIA)
Cutstein | Hamidreza Khosh-Bazan (IRAN)
Defenders | Farhad Ayatollahi (IRAN)
Fine Knacks for Playwrights | Deb Ethier (CANADA)
From Durban To Tomorrow | Dylan Mohan Gray (SOUTH AFRICA)
Furthest Frontier: Stories from Tamatea/Dusky Sound | Will McKee (NEW ZEALAND)
Infant | Marcin Skruch (IRELAND)
Lastcall | Mathieu Baillargeon (FRANCE)
Lonely Sunsets of Lemuel | Kumar Mayank (INDIA/PHILIPPINES)
Luca and Iso | Damian Overton and Ed Cali (AUSTRALIA)
Night Drive | Despina Athanassiadis (FRANCE)
No need to tell the kids | Sylvie Gautier (FRANCE)
No One is Perfect | Joseph Fuller (IRELAND)
Occurrences of Questionable Significance | Dave Lojek (GERMANY/POLAND)
One Piece of the Puzzle | René Lorraine (UK)
Perdido | Rodrigo Salazar (MEXICO)
Phenomenon | George McCluskey (UK)
Project Valentina | JW Richardson (USA)
Pulse of My Heart | Johnny Zito (USA)
Reminiscence | Jason Cheon (AUSTRALIA)
Security Camera | Thorkell August Ottarsson (NORWAY)
Sfumato | Amirali Mirderikvand (IRAN)
The Color Of Truth Is Grey | Rostislav Luchnikov (USA)
The Dragon Comes Out | Azam Khodarahmi (IRAN)
The Movement | Roozbe Kazemi (IRAN)
The Self-Love Project | Emmanuelle Toya Bryant (AUSTRALIA)
The Sun Rising | Rebecca Elder (AUSTRALIA)
The World’s Last House | Amir Gholami (IRAN)
Toothless | Harry Sabulis (AUSTRALIA)
Transkids | Hilla Medalia (ISRAEL)
Tumbling Towards Home | Imelda O'Reilly (IRELAND)
Two Options | Gon Caride (FRANCE)